With Pancha Method - our groundbreaking framework for:
Language learning in high school usually doesn't stick and we are missing out on the Golden Window of language acquisition during early brain development!
The study of a second language has been linked to:
For the first time, Pancha Method will help transform your center to raise the next generation of multilingual kids.
Be on the cusp of a language learning movement in early childhood!
A language rich environment is proven to have positive effects on children's brain development. Tune In, Talk More, Take Turns.
BSL helps babies communicate before they learn to speak and to help them make connections in other languages. It improves confidence and self-esteem and has positive effects on cognitive development.
Engage kids in more than one language in their daily lives for better brain health, creativity, thinking outside-the-box, meta language learning, and a better understanding of their native language.
I am passionate about language learning and the positive brain benefits that come with it. The Golden Window of language learning, from birth to kindergarten, can be used to supercharge a child's cognitive development they will value for life.
Read My Full StoryGinnie S, mother of twoI am so happy that I was able to work with Pancha. Her advice to raise my children with languages from the beginning was a game-changer. We really loved the ability to hear the words as we are not native speakers. My kids and I will be forever grateful!
Noelle B, mother of threeOur family has so much fun with the baby sign language combined with learning Spanish. My two older kids love teaching the baby all the signs with the Spanish words. My kids love using the app because it is so easy. We love Pancha Method!
Sign up for my newsletter Begin With Multilingual KidsWhen you begin with languagesyou blow a child's education wide open.🎈
Baby Sign Language (BSL) originated in the late 1980s, when researchers began exploring its potential benefits for early childhood development. The concept of BSL emerged from groundbreaking research conducted by Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn in the late 1980s. These professors found that babies who used BSL actually learned verbal
AI won't replace the need to learn languages, and here's why. Since AI came on the scene, we have been getting used to the new repercussions, and there are still many unknowns. However, a general consensus is that AI isn't ready to replace all
Be part of the language learning movement. 🚀